Monday, February 1, 2010

Define: Jewpanese

According to Urban Dictionary, the term "Jewpanese" can be defined as follows:

"An individual of half Japanese and half Jewish descent.
Typically fond of sushi, bagels and mathematics."

As a member of the Jewpanese tribe myself, I can attest to that.

For more great definitions, please click on the link below:

I got this pic from the facebook group:
"Jewpanese - Where Jewish and Japanese Converge"

Now that I know that at least 6 other Jewpanese individuals are out there, I no longer feel so alone!

Always knew that there was a good reason why I used to eat Kraft Dinner with chopsticks and use soy sauce in everything.

A great Jewpanese joke:

Ishimoto! (In Hebrew, ish - im - oto = a man with a car!)