Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Social Experiment

What happens when you combine 4 friends
with access to wheels in the Holy Land for 7 days?

First, let's meet the friends:

Name: Roisin

Code Name: Lil' Sug'

Occupation: Wandering Troubadour

Life's Mission: To spread the love of music through her fingertips.

Name: Jason

Code Name: CEO

Occupation: CEO

Life's Mission: To pretend as if he's a CEO, yet secretly wants to be a personal trainer.

Name: Brett

Code Name: Papa Bear

Occupation: Ex-Army Paramedic

Life's Mission: To get to South America in one piece.

Name: Carmel

Code Name: Big Sug'

Occupation: The list is too long

Life's Mission: To eat and make the most delicious food this world has to offer.

So, what happened?

Day 1

Lil' Sug' brought out the didge...

Didge instruction took place...

A didge pro at work...

Pupil surpasses master in the art of the didge...

Big Sug' soon realized that a didge is not edible...

Capturing the magic...

Later that evening...

Drinks at Charlie's...

Charlie's a drunk without a liver...SMILE!

Boys trying to be funny with a girl's camera...

Another example of boys being boys...

Day 2

This pretty much sums up Day 2 for Jason...

The highlight was driving through
Daliyat El-Carmel to Osifiya to have
chicken and rice cooked in a tabun (stone oven)...

Day 3

Big Sug' using her divine healing powers...

Big Sug' knows how to take care of Lil' Sug'!

Day 4

The Jerusalem shuk...

Rugelach - apple, blueberry & chocolate pastries...

Jaffa Gate to Jerusalem...

The Western Wall...

Write a note and find a space in the cracks for it...

Paying respect...

Playing with respect...

Later that evening...

We found a playground for grownups in Tel Aviv...

A lot of fun was had...

A few yards away from this progressive playground
is a not-so-progressive beach...

Day 5

Picking up the boys in Haifa...

Best friends marching onwards...

The grottoes of Rosh HaNikra...

Another view of the water caves...

The cliff is made up of soft sea sediment
and dark flint stones...

Looking cool...

The famous shot of the elephant's leg...

A safe place to fish...

A stunning view...

Another stunning view...

Mastering the timer feature on the camera...

Later that evening...

Fun on the beach near Achziv...

True love...

More love...

A romantic sunset...

Day 6

CEO, Papa Bear and Big Sug' jumped out of a plane...

To view photos, click on the link below:

To view the video, click on the link below:

Day 7

Big Sug' got the swine flu...

Got a shot in her ass...lost her marbles...

...and is still out of commission!

So what happened, in the end?

Serious loads of fun!

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